Use this calculator to find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
Use this calculator to help develop or fine tune your education savings plan.
Find out how consistent investments over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth.
Use this calculator to determine the future value of an investment which can include an initial deposit and a stream of periodic deposits.
This calculator helps illustrate the effect of using a loan to purchase an investment or appreciable asset. Using debt as leverage to purchase investments can magnify your return. The downside is that you also increase your risk.
There is more to investing than knowing your annual rate of return. Use this calculator to help you see how inflation, taxes and your time horizon can impact your bottom line.
Certified Public Accountants
Collins/Moody & Company, PC, CPAs
455 Newton Bridge Rd PO Box 709
Athens, GA 30603-0709
Phone 706-543-3493
Fax 706-549-3193