Should I refinance my mortgage? How much do I need to save for my child's college education? As accounting professionals, these are some of the questions that are posed to us on a daily basis. We are providing these interactive financial calculators and other tools to assist you with some of the day-to-day questions and concerns that may arise. While these financial tools are not a substitute for financial advice from a qualified professional, they can be used as a starting point in the decision making process.
Accelerated Debt Payoff, Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator, Credit Card Minimum Payment Calculator, Credit Card Optimizer, Credit Card Pay Off, How much do you owe?, Personal Debt Consolidation, Roll-Down Your Credit Card Debt! More...
Annual Stock Option Grants, Asset Allocation Calculator, Future Contracts Calculator, Future Value Calculator, Investment Loan, Investment Returns, Present Value Calculator, Stock Option Calculator More...
Alternative Payment Frequencies, Amortizing Loan Calculator, Balloon Loan Calculator, Debt Consolidation Calculator, Enhanced Loan Calculator, Existing Loan Calculator, Home Equity Line of Credit Calculator, Loan & Credit Line Payment, Loan & Credit Line Tax Savings, Loan Comparison Calculator More...
Basic Financial Calculator, Checkbook Balancer, Credit Assessment, Home Budget Analysis, Life Expectancy, Net Worth More...
401(k) Calculator, 401(k) Spend It or Save It Calculator, Beneficiary Required Minimum Distributions, How long will my retirement savings last?, IRA Spend It or Save It Calculator, Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for Current Year, Retirement Income, Retirement Pension Planner, Retirement Plan Withdrawal, Retirement Planner, Roth (after-tax) Account or Pre-Tax Account?, Roth IRA Calculator, Roth IRA Conversion, Roth IRA Conversion with Distributions, Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA, Social Security Benefits, Traditional IRA Calculator More...
Certified Public Accountants
Collins/Moody & Company, PC, CPAs
455 Newton Bridge Rd PO Box 709
Athens, GA 30603-0709
Phone 706-543-3493
Fax 706-549-3193